And the saga continues! Holding hands over kisses: Kim Jaejoong, the closet romantic

While talking about their dramas, Jaejoong was talking about kiss scenes.

JJ: Kiss scenes don't really excite me, it's just part of my job. But what makes my heart race is holding someone's hand. When I hold someone's hand, I usually grab the wrist first. The reason I do that is because I can feel my partner's pulse there. I can gauge just how into it they are in the scene through that pulse. And then I slide down to clasp their hand. It's there that I can fill a shimmer of sweat on their palms. It's those kinds of things that feel more romantic than kissing scenes.

While he was saying this, he was demonstrating on Junsu, who was like "oooh I feel goosebumps up my arms" when Jaejoong grabbed his wrist

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